Saturday, April 6, 2013

I found it (actually the Trickster did)

The other day I wrote a post about Inspiration for my next quilt, which will be for me and only me!  I did some fabric shopping and my youngest son found me the perfect fabric!  I already had the charm pack, Just Wing It, but needed an accent fabric.  My son looked at my inspiration colors and within a couple of minutes he found two fabrics that I loved but only one had enough yardage.
You can see my backing in there too!  Now I have to decide on a pattern.  I have two picked out but I can't get myself to choose!

We also had to go American Family Childrens Hospital for my sons follow up appointment from his surgery and we did not get good news.  The tumor he had removed is starting to come back!  We go back in 6 months for more tests and follow up.  So far there has been no pain and my son is not on any restrictions which makes him happy, but he told me he does not want surgery again...he may not have that choice in the future.  To cheer him up we went to Chuck E Cheese for lunch and guess what they have on the menu!!!

Everything is sealed until you open it at your table so there is no possibility of cross contamination, how awesome is that!?!  I have had two accidental gluten exposures in the last month and both have left me sick for three to four days.  Going out to eat is a little scary for me at this point, but its getting better!

Happy Quilting!!

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