Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday Finish!

Isn't she cute?  We worked on this little gift from the "Tube Fairy" for the last two evenings and finished it last night!  My little lady had a lot of fun and some frustration but we worked through it.  It came as a kit and instead of sewing with thread we sewed with ribbon and a flat plastic needle.
We are going to add a backing and quilt it on my machine to make it more durable because she has plans to take this everywhere!


  1. Well done to your daughter! It looks great! She should be super proud :)

  2. Great job!
    I have never seen a kit like that before!

  3. Oh, what a great idea. I'd never seen a kit like that. May I ask how old she is? My granddaughters, both aged 8, are learning to sew and I think they would like a kit like that.

    In regard to son is 39 and he had them put in 5 times when he was a little boy. And, darn it all...we didn't know a tube fairy was supposed to visit! Do you know the first time he had them put in he was 4 and they had him stay in the hospital 2 days!!!
