Sunday, June 30, 2013

Making Memories

My family and I had a wonderful weekend camping trip having fun and making memories!  We camped at Pike's Peak and explored the town of McGregor, IA which has many antique shops.  I found lots beautiful antique quilts, but, I forgot my camera on that little trip!  We also stopped here...
Valley Fish & Cheese, Prairie Du Chien, WI
I tried alligator wasn't too bad, but I did not take any home!  Instead we bought smoked Atlantic Salmon-everyone liked it but me, I'm not a fan of fish of any kind!

My oldest daughter rode a sturgeon...
And got new running shoes...
Now she has tread covers for another few hundred miles!

My youngest son shook an "old fisherman's" hand...

My youngest daughter was afraid of these...She absolutely hates anything taxidermy!!!

We played some bean bags...

And my oldest son had to work all weekend but his girlfriend camped in his place and we all decided that we want to adopt her!

And as soon as we got home my youngest daughter started asking about when her quilt will be done and could I start it right away?
The pattern she chose...

The fabrics we both chose...

The backing I chose...

Now I just need to find the time, this week is looking really busy!!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I'm such a baby!

Can you guess what this is and what I was so afraid of?  The dentist...but today I could not ignore my tooth any longer, so I called and they got me in after work.  I am now less one tooth and I need to have another fixed but that will wait a while since I am still a big baby where the dentist is concerned!  Now I just have to wait for feeling to come back in the right side of my face so I can talk normal and stop drooling without knowing it!

Linking up with Live a Colorful Life for Really Random Thursday Live A Colorful Life

Monday, June 17, 2013

Quilts and tears...

Yes, I have been quiet for the last few days but I am bouncing back.  I had the PLAN in place and I worked on the three quilts for Aunt Suzie on Saturday and on Sunday I got a call telling me that my best friend's mom had passed away.  So, I cried while I quilted and quilted while I cried and sifted through my memories of Cheryl.  She was a very generous, strong, tell it like it is, take it or leave it, live my life my way kind of lady!   She will be greatly missed by many...

Last Wednesday (June 12) I finished the last of the binding and called my best friend to get her out of the house for some talk time and reminiscing memories of mom and we headed out to deliver the quilts.  We ended up in really bad storms but we made it!
Here's what Aunt Suzie asked for...

A Wisconsin Badgers receiving blanket

 A puppy themed quilt

And a mini quilt to match the puppy quilt

I LOVE how the Badger blanket turned out!  Its simple but very striking in these colors...Now that these are done my youngest daughter is begging for her cowgirl quilt to be made so that will be next on the quilting agenda!  My quilt for ME will just have to wait a little bit longer!

Linking up with...


Thursday, June 6, 2013

School's Out For Summer!!!

I've had Alice Cooper's "School's Out" stuck in my head all was this kids last day!  Now they can sleep in while I get ready for work in blessed  peace and quiet. No more kids fighting at the butt crack of dawn for the next few months!!  Now on to bigger and better things, like quilting!  But before I can do that I have to clean this...

These are my fabrics...
And I have a plan...and I will be done by Wednesday-IF my plan goes as it should!  ;o)  Let's hope that nothing else gets thrown my way in the next few days that puts a monkey wrench in the whole thing!  My ipod is charged, I have new cutting blades and a new needle in my machine...I-AM-READY!!

 Live A Colorful Life

Sunday, June 2, 2013

I'm still here!

I have been busy and took a break from sewing and blogging but I'm back!  I'll bring you up to speed...
My family and I had a great relaxing weekend doing this...
And I did A LOT of this...
It was so awesome to sit and do nothing but relax and enjoy life and my family.  And when I say family, I mean,my hubby and 3 of our kids, my mom and dad, mother and father in law, and my aunt and uncle and our dogs.
Now I'm home and reality is setting in!  Here are the fabrics for the next set of baby quilts I'm making for Aunt Suzie.
There will also be a Wisconsin Badger receiving blanket to go along with this set.  I already had the puppy fabric but after digging through the stash I did not have enough fabrics to go with it so I went to my LQS and found all these and a few more things...
I HATE pin basting so I am going to try this and see if I like it better, the owner of my LQS highly recommended it, so hopefully its worth the price!