Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I'm such a baby!

Can you guess what this is and what I was so afraid of?  The dentist...but today I could not ignore my tooth any longer, so I called and they got me in after work.  I am now less one tooth and I need to have another fixed but that will wait a while since I am still a big baby where the dentist is concerned!  Now I just have to wait for feeling to come back in the right side of my face so I can talk normal and stop drooling without knowing it!

Linking up with Live a Colorful Life for Really Random Thursday Live A Colorful Life


  1. There is nothing I hate worse than having a tooth pulled. They have to put me under! Good for you for taking care of business!

  2. It was awful! I was almost hyperventilating by the time the dentist came in but, they cater to cowards and I did OK in the end! My dentist even gave me a high five so I guess I was an OK patient...

  3. Jeni you are amazing. Fancy being so overwhelmed but doing it anyway. Lots of pats on the back, and high fives, and... you should probably be rewarding yourself in a fabric kinda way, doncha think? You know? To encourage yourself for the next time? :)

  4. Thanks! I even had to have a second set of shots 'cuz the first ones did not fully numb everything! And you bet I rewarded myself...I went out to dinner with my hubby and bought more fabric over the weekend!!!
