Saturday, September 22, 2012

Surgery Quilts...

On Thursday my son had his surgery to remove a bone tumor in his ankle, so of course he had to have a new surgery quilt!  I put this together in a couple of evenings and had it ready in a nick of time.  I finished it at 12:30 am and we had to leave for the hospital at 4:45 am.  Here he is with all three quilts

 (Can you tell we are from Wisconsin?)

And he had to have a pillow to elevate his ankle.  I'm not to fond of the fabric but it's what he wanted.  He has to keep his ankle elevated for three days.  He's getting a little grouchy from having to lay around and watch TV and play video games.  And he can only walk on it for the next 6 weeks which is going to be a challenge.

And my 8 year old daughter made this the other day...

She loves beads and has made about 50 necklaces, bracelets and rings.


  1. The qullts are awesome. I pray your son is doing well.

  2. Love the quilts and the necklace is super cute. I hope Nic recovers fast!

