Sunday, March 24, 2013

Life goes on...

It's funny how life changes in a matter of a few days...  A lot has happened since my last post, some things make me sad, some make me happy and some just make me irritated!

Here's what makes me sad and happy...My sister in law left me on Tuesday to make her dreams come true. What is she doing?  She is Hiking The Appalachian Trail as a thru hiker!  All by herself with only herself to rely on!
 Trail Map
This is the route she's taking and she started a blog for family and friends to follow her along the way Hiking The Appalachian Trail.  As of today she's hiked 31 miles and plans on doing 11 miles tomorrow.  I am happy that she is doing something she has been dreaming about but I miss her sooo much, she's my best buddy and a big part of my life!  And yes we do have the same first name, just spelled different!  I spent the last night before she left making pee pee rags (yes, it's what you think they are), hemming pants, taking in waist bands and making a new pouch for her SPOT gps tracker.  I have to remember she's having the time of her life and that is what counts!  GO, Jenni!!!  Love you LOTS!

Another girl that makes me happy is my daughter...she is 15 and in track right now.  At her track meet yesterday she took 30 seconds off her time from the previous race!  She runs the 1600 meter which equals a mile and she ran it in 6:56!  She also runs the 4X800 meter with three other girls and loves it!  And she is going to Prom for the first time this year and my mom is making her dress and its gorgeous!  I have been waiting for this day since she was born!  She is my girly girl and I love dressing her up and she loves it too!  

Now the irritating...Gluten free!  I refuse to pay the insane prices for "gluten free" labeled products!  A lot of items I found that don't have "gluten free" advertised on the label, and are gluten free, are priced great, but if it says "gluten free" on the front it will cost 3 to 6 times as much!  Bread for example-I can get a loaf of store brand at the local grocery for $1.49 for a 24 ounce loaf(for the rest of the family), gluten free bread is $6.15 for a 12 ounce loaf!  I refuse to make someone rich off of my unfortunate medical issues!  They can all kiss my @$*!!! I am doing OK on my gluten free journey, done my way!  And I'm dropping weight and I feel GREAT, no more pain or feeling sick 24-7!!!  There, I feel somewhat better now...sorry for the rant!

And life goes on....

Linking with Live a colorful Life


  1. Love you too!

  2. I love the idea of hiking the Appalachian Trail, well maybe biking would be more my speed. Just not sure about pee pads! It'll be beautiful this time of year.

    How exciting for you and your daughter with prom. I loved the times my girls went to prom and their beautiful dresses.
