Saturday, January 12, 2013

Fishy, Fishy in the brook

It's done!  This one has been almost a year in the making...I so wish I could do cartwheels!  My oldest son has been on me to complete his quilt but life gets in the way, you know how it is!  Any how, here is the top...
The pattern is from a Missouri Star Quilt Company tutorial on youtube.  You get a bonus block while you are making the blocks for this quilt.  You can see one HERE  The name of the pattern is "Serendipity" 'cuz you get two for one!  The feature fabric in this quilt is fishing.  My son loves to fish and has also learned how to tie flies for fly fishing.  He also plans on taking this camping with the Boy Scouts and that pains me!  I have visions of it coming home covered in mud and full of burn holes from the camp fire!  Oh well, quilts should be used and loved, right?


  1. Yes, quilts should be used and loved - even if that means mud and tiny holes! This is a great quilt and I'm sure will be well-loved. Whoop whoop!!

    1. I am hoping to get it quilted and bound this weekend...but it won't be in time for this camping trip unless a miracle happens!

  2. Hey that is really cool! I love that pattern and the way there are patterns within the pattern! Good job!

  3. I love that pattern! And that is great "guy" fabric! I made both of the quilts from this tutorial with Christmas fabric. Now, I made the quilt tops in January, so there may be chance they get finished by Christmas!

  4. I love the pattern too! I have been trying to get a Christmas quilt made for the last 3 years! I bet yours gets finished before mine!!!
