Thursday, September 5, 2013

It took 8 years!!!

I bought this 8 years ago when we did work on our sat in the box for 8 years despite my whining and nagging...
Last weekend the hubby finally hung it in the entryway and I LOVE it!!!  Now I need to paint again so this will stand out more. BONUS- the hubby put the vanity, sink and faucet in the kids bathroom, too!

Today after work I was chewing out my youngest son for taking a hammer to our front sidewalk and he found this...
I don't know what ants do with grasshopper legs but this one was working hard to get this leg home!

I also finished some hats this week too!
My youngest daughter had to go to the childrens hospital to see her endocrinologist and orthopedic doctors yesterday so I took a loom and started the gray hat while we waited.  It took a long time for doctor visits, x-rays and blood work and I was able to get 3/4 of it done.  What a conversation starter knitting on a loom is, hopefully I inspired others to start knitting.

And just to show how far I've come with my knitting skills..
This is the first hat I made 3 years ago and its awful!  Good thing she loves what mom makes even if it is ugly!

Linking up with Live A Colorful Life Really Random Thursday


  1. What a pretty chandelier! I hate the one I originally picked for our kitchen table (well, I compromised with my husband honestly) and wish we had a new one. It's only been 8 years of looking at it... :)
    And good job on the hats! I've never used a loom. Probably why I'm so slow at knitting!

  2. Glad you finally got your light fixture up. And the hats look great!
