Thursday, November 7, 2013

Random Thursday

What does a fox say?

Are you or your kids singing this insanely stupid, irritating song from YouTube?  My kids, customers and random people on the street are singing it!  I watched about 30 seconds of the video and could not take it!

What does Jen say?

SHUT UP!!!  Stop!  Its not that great of a song, not everyone wants to hear you sing it!!!  If you must hear it, here is the link What does a fox say?
When they get to the chorus you'll know what I mean when I say irritating!
Disclaimer: This is just my opinion...if you love it great, just please don't sing it around me.

Here's a song I think more people should sing...Colors by April Smith  My kids are allowed to sing this one!

Did you know? (according to
Mr. Rogers was an ordained minister...
Dogs and cats consume over $11 billion in pet food a year!
According to Genesis 1:20-22, the chicken came before the egg.
Some people say that when the bands of black on a woolybear caterpillar are wide, a cold winter is coming. Uh-oh..I checked these myself this year-dress warm the bands were wide!
On average, right handers live about 9 years longer than lefties!
Nutritious food costs about 10 times more than junk food!
Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave.
A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.
You spend 7 years of your life in the bathroom! 

Quilt facts...
The most common color in traditional Amish quilts is black.
Quilting wasn't considered an art form until the 1960's
In 1856 Singer started the installment plan making sewing machines affordable.
Most common patterns in the early 1800's- nine patch, Irish chain and pinwheel.
# of hits on as of today= 24,028,662 


  1. hm. We heart it. It's irreverent and silly, like us. We'll occasionally belt out a kaw-kow here and there and replace fox with words like... boss, kid, mother, elvis. Hey, we think we're funny.

    The SNL parody, What does my girl say is pretty amusing too. :)

  2. I am sick of that song too, at first it was funny now its just plain annoying. But I will say SNL' s what does my girl say was hilarious!
