Thursday, August 8, 2013

Knitting is not for old ladies!!!

A couple of weeks ago, I pulled out my Knifty Knitter looms so I could have something to do while sitting around the campfire and I have been having fun "knitting" ever since!  I don't necessarily consider it to be true knitting but for me it works.  I have been on a hat kick so everyone will be getting a hat and I'm going to make as many as I can to donate to the children on the Indian Reservation.  I have family that does mission work there and the need is great!

I also went to my LQS today and bought some treasures!
And here is the hat I started last night and finished tonight...I had to get more yarn today, I had no idea 64 yards of yarn would not be enough for a hat!!!
It's also reversible! 
I used a super chunky yarn and made it double layered so I still have to make a pom pom to cover the hole in the top where the yarn would not close all the way.  Now I think I need a scarf to match...
  And here is the first hat from a couple weeks ago.  I took this right after I finished it.  I was supposed to be cleaning the camper before we went home but I finished my hat first and then cleaned!
This first one taught me a lot, its a little rough around the edges and not very warm but its still cute!  So, I will keep telling those that say knitting is for old ladies, I'm only 37 and I am certainly not old nor are my hobbies!!!  I'm a modern girl, I "knit" on a loom!

1 comment:

  1. Super cute hat! I have never knit on a loom but then again I've never made a cute hat either. Thanks for linking up!
