Thursday, November 1, 2012

Releasing the BEAST!!!!

This little beast is finally getting released from all restrictions from his surgery today!!!  On September 20th he had a bone tumor removed from his fibula (the bone that make the "bump" on the outside of your ankle- you can see his surgery quilts here) and has been restricted to walking only for the last 6 weeks.  He told me he "just wants to run!!!" so that is what we did in the doctors parking lot when we were done with his appointment.....

Then he had to race his little sister!!

He we can all work off all the Halloween candy we've been pigging out on!!

I'm linking up with Live a Colorful Life for Really Random Thursday!


  1. So glad your son has recovered well from his surgery. What a lovely way to celebrate:-)

    (Think my eyesight is going - here goes with my fourth attempt at word verification:-)

    1. I turned word verification off for the third time, hope it stays off now! He is sooooo happy to be running....

  2. That must have been scary for you. I'm glad he is off and running! thanks for linking up.
