Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Friday the 13th!

Happy Friday the 13th!  All day I had customers complain about it but I think its a great day, after all I was born on Friday the 13th, so it has to be a great day, right?!  I also had the blessing of being born the day before Valentines Day.  That meant every year as a kid, I got gifts that always had hearts and were pink and red!  And I always remind my hubby that they are two separate days, no combining and no hearts for my birthday! 

Anyhow, here is the next quilt top!
  I made this quilt top last Sunday after a marathon of cleaning my sewing room.  It's amazing how a clean, organised space can get the sewing mojo going again! 
  Last Christmas I wrapped up the fabric for my sister and told her she was getting a quilt before her birthday in March...she has been dropping hints for quite a while but I was waiting for the perfect fabric and I finally found it.  I'm hoping to find time to quilt and bind it this week end.  Saturday is busy but Sunday is open with no plans.

This kitty sums up my week...I hope next week is better!  Starting in March our busy week end schedule should be done!  Basketball will be done and the next major event coming up will be my oldest daughters junior prom.  We found a pretty and unique dress so that is crossed off the list!


  1. Hope your sister loves her quilt - well done on finishing before her b'day! And on your sewing room tidying as well. Now you have space to create :D

    Thanks for your kind words on the tree quilt. Those triangles were tricky. Next time I try something new I'll start smaller!

    Julie G

  2. Happy Birthday, Jen!
