Monday, December 3, 2012

My awesome find!!!!

Last Thursday I went to Goodwill with family and found something I have been wanting for years!  On the way out the door I saw out of the corner of my eye "sewing table $9.99".  I walked out and then stopped and went back in.  The table was ugly and from the 60's or 70's but I thought "that might fit my old sewing machine so my daughter could use it"... I flipped the top and guess what I found!!!!!!!

My mom in law asked if I wanted it for Christmas and I said heck yeah!!!!  It's a 1902 Singer hand crank!!! For only $9.99!!!!  It's dirty but all parts move free and smooth... Now I have to figure out how to clean it and what to clean it with.

Here's the serial number....
Any advice would be appreciated on cleaning!!


  1. My brother-in-law, who lives in St. Paul, has recently become somewhat of an expert on vintage machines. He takes them apart, cleans them, etc. Do you want me to ask him?

    1. Yes, that would be great! I don't plan on using it but I do want to clean the outside casing and display it in my sewing room as a show piece for now. I have had all kinds of suggestions from people but I don't want to ruin the decals that are left...someone even suggested kerosene but that seems scary to me!
